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Index table

An index table displays a collection of objects of the same type, like orders or products. The main job of an index table is to help merchants get an at-a-glance of the objects to perform actions or navigate to a full-page representation of it.


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IndexTable events

Index tables can also:


Using an index table in a project involves combining the following components and subcomponents:

The index table component provides the UI elements for list selection, sorting, filtering, and pagination, but doesn’t provide the logic for these operations. When a sort option is changed, filter added, or second page requested, you’ll need to handle that event (including any network requests) and then update the component with new props.


Shopify is organized around objects that represent merchants' businesses, like customers, products, and orders. Each individual order, for example, is given a dedicated page that can be linked to. In Shopify, we call these types of objects resources, and we call the object’s dedicated page its details page.


Take orders as an example. Merchants may have a lot of them. They need a way to scan their orders, view the different attributes on each order, and find out which ones need action first. In other words, they need a way find an individual order, call up more information about it, and take action on it.


Index tables function as:

  • A content format, presenting a set of individual resources with multiple columns of information for each
  • A system for taking action on one or more individual resources
  • A way to navigate to an individual resource’s details page

Because a details page displays all the content and actions for an individual resource, you can think of a resource list as a summary of these details pages. In this way resource lists bridge a middle level in Shopify’s navigation hierarchy.

Best practices

Index tables should:

  • Have items that perform an action when clicked. The action should navigate to the resource’s details page or otherwise provide more detail about the item.
  • Customize the content and layout of their items rows to surface information to support merchants’ needs.
  • Support sorting if the list can be long, and especially if different merchant tasks benefit from different sort orders.
  • Support filtering if the list can be long.
  • Paginate when the current list contains more than 50 items.
  • Use the skeleton page component on initial page load for the rest of the page if the loading prop is true and items are processing.
  • Numeric cells and titles should be right aligned with the Text component
  • Numeric cells should use the numeric style with the Text component

Index tables can optionally:

  • Provide bulk actions for tasks that are often applied to many list items at once. For example, merchants may want to add the same tag to a large number of products.
  • Hide bulk actions on small screens using the condensed prop. We only recommend hiding bulk actions on screens smaller than 490px using our breakpoints-sm value: condensed={useBreakpoints().smDown}.
    • Hiding bulk actions means a merchant can’t select multiple items at once, so it should only be used when the bulk actions are not essential to the merchant’s workflow.

Content guidelines

Index tables should:

  • Identify the type of resource, usually with a heading


  • Products
  • Showing 50 products


  • No heading
  • Indicate when not all members of a resource are being shown. For a card summarizing and linking to recently purchased products:


  • Popular products this week


  • Products


An IndexTableRow is used to render a row representing an item within an IndexTable

IndexTableRow properties

idstringA unique identifier for the row
selected?boolean | "indeterminate"A boolean property indicating whether the row or it's related rows are selected
positionnumberThe zero-indexed position of the row. Used for Shift key multi-selection as well as selection of a range of rows when a selectionRange is set.
tone?"subdued" | "success" | "warning" | "critical"Whether the row should visually indicate its status with a background color
disabled?booleanWhether the row should be disabled
selectionRange?[number, number]A tuple array with the first and last index of the range of other rows that the row describes. All non-disabled rows in the range are selected when the row with a selection range set is selected.
rowType?"data" | "subheader" | "child"Indicates the relationship or role of the row's contents. A rowType of "subheader" looks and behaves the same as the table header. Rows of type "child" are indented. Defaults to "data".
accessibilityLabel?stringLabel set on the row's checkbox. Defaults to "Select {resourceName}"

IndexTableRow slots

defaultVueNodeTable header or data cells

IndexTableRow events

@click() => voidCallback fired when the row is clicked. Overrides the default click behaviour.
@navigation(id: string) => voidCallback fired when the row is clicked and contains an anchor element with the data-primary-link property set


An IndexTableCell is used to render a single cell within an IndexTableRow

IndexTableCell properties

as?'th' | 'td'The table cell element to render. Render the cell as a th if it serves as a subheading. Defaults to td.
id?stringThe unique ID to set on the cell element
className?stringAdds a class to the cell. Use to set a custom cell width.
flush?booleanWhether the cell padding should be removed. Defaults to false.
colSpan?HTMLTableCellElement['colSpan']For subheader cells -- The number of the columns that the cell element should extend to within the row.
scope?HTMLTableCellElement['scope']For subheader cells -- Indicates the cells that the th element relates to
headers?HTMLTableCellElement['headers']A space-separated list of the th cell IDs that describe or apply to it. Use for cells within a row that relate to a subheader cell in addition to their column header.

IndexTableCell slots

default?VueNodeThe cell contents

  • To create an actionable list of related items that link to details pages, such as a list of customers, use the resource list component
  • To present structured data for comparison and analysis, like when helping merchants to gain insights or review analytics, use the data table component
  • To display a simple list of related content, use the list component



The IndexTable is an actionable, filterable, and sortable table widget that supports row selection with subheaders. To ensure that the power of this table is accessible to all merchants when implementing IndexTableRow subheaders, set the following props on IndexTableCell that are appropriate for the enhancement you are implementing.

Merchants can select a group of rows at once by clicking or Space keypressing a subheader row's checkbox. To indicate that an IndexTableRow serves as a subheader for 1 or more rows below it, set the:

  • Zero-indexed table position of the first and last IndexTableRow described by the subheader IndexTableRow as a tuple array on its selectionRange prop
  • Unique id on the IndexTableCell that contains the subheader content
  • Element tag to "th" on the as prop of the subheader IndexTableCell
  • Subheader IndexTableCell scope prop to "colgroup"

To associate the subheader IndexTableRow with each IndexTableCell that it describes, set the:

  • Unique id provided to the subheader IndexTableCell on the headers prop of each related IndexTableCell (contained by an IndexTableRow that's position is within the selectionRange) as well as the unique id of its corresponding column heading that you provided to the IndexTable headings prop

Keyboard support

IndexTable also supports multi-selection of a range of rows by keypressing the Shift key. To select a range, press and hold the Shift key while you click or keypress the Space key on a row checkbox and then do the same on another row's checkbox. All selectable rows between the selected checkboxes will also be selected.

Released under the MIT License.